Tuesday, July 19, 2011

07/19 The Anti-Bully Movement

07/19 The Anti-Bully Movement

Dr. Phil is fed up with teens being terrorized — both in the schoolyard and online — and he’s putting bullies on notice! Last summer, he took the battle against cyber bullies before Congress, and now he’s kicking off his own Anti-Bully Movement. Learn how cyber bullying is affecting 12-year-old Dara, and why her mom, Toni, fears the tween may harm herself if she doesn’t get help. Then, hear why Michael, a self-proclaimed cyber bully, defends his keyboard antics. Plus, Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy weighs in on bullying and cyber bullying and what can be done about this growing epidemic, and Parry Aftab, executive director and founder of StopCyberBullying.org, shares tips to keep your kids safe. Join the movement, and take Dr. Phil’s pledge to fight the abuse!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

"I've finally stopped running away from myself, who else is there better to be?"
- Goldie Hawn -

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/14089-self-esteem-quotes/#ixzz1SJH9U7Js